Hey guys!
Just thought I'd tell you that you can write whatever you want on this blog about Harry Potter, and you can ask questions and I'll try to answer them. Also, post quizzes and I'll try to get the answers right.
See ya!
-harry potter freako manager
Just thought I'd tell you that you can write whatever you want on this blog about Harry Potter, and you can ask questions and I'll try to answer them. Also, post quizzes and I'll try to get the answers right.
See ya!
-harry potter freako manager
HEYYYYY Harry Potter Freakos!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Harry Potter!!!! He is like the COOLEST ever! My favorite is Ginny *unblushingly*. SHe is so coool and nice and she and Harry are SO perfect!!!!
ok so I'm gonna make a quiz for you freakos! post your answers and i will check them(don't use the books!)
1)what is Hagrid's mother's name and what is she?
2)What is Tonks's first name and what do her parents (and Lupin) call her for short?
3)What is the spell that tells you if there is a person in the house?
4)What was the 6th Horcrux destoyed (in order from first to last).
5)What language was the statue speaking when Harry and Hermione are about to break into Umbridge's office?
cool! so post your answers and I will tell you your results!!!!!
(post on my hp blog too! url: www.hpisthecoolest.blogspot.com
Ok "ginny"
Here are my answers to your quiz.
1)aksldhfalsk, giantess
2)Nymphadora, dora
3)sldihf kjhfdskhfd
4)Harry Potter himself
As you can see i did not use the book and i cant believe i do not remember the answer to number one! Ok let me go get the book so i'll tell you the real answers.
1)Fridwulfa, giantess
2)Nymphadora, dora
3)Homenum Revelio
4)Harry Potter
OK, i;m pretty sure that those are right. Oh by the way when i was looking for number 3 on the internet, i found a good website with lots of Harry Potter spells. Here it is: http://www.answers.com/topic/spells-in-harry-potter
They're in alphabetical order.
Keep posting!!!!!
harry potter freakos manager
Wow this blog is awesome!! Who thought of the awesome picture behind the title? Ginny is definitely my favorite! I have read all the books twenty-seven times!!!!!(except te seventh-i've only read 9 times.) One time i went to platform nine and three quarters and i knocked myself out and got a concussion. It sucked. so yeah i wouldn't recomend it. See ya!!!!!
oh my gosh
I want to go to platform 9 and 3 quarters SO BADLY!!!!!!
My friend and I are planning on going to Kings Cross on Sep. 1st! we're gonna get a shopping cart, make some awesome wands, and dress in wizards clothes! then we'll get a stuffed owl and put it in a cage (this goes in our shopping cart!) I don't think it will work but it's worth a try, right?
it would be so freaking awesome if we got onto the platform.
-GINNY (the bestest)
hey hey hey!
you change your background back right now!!!!
or I will somehow change it for you!
and by the way your ron picture at the bottom is having some issues. just thought I'd let you know.
well anyway I am sharing this really cool site with people it's got like a whole bunch of pictures - but they're these drawings, not dumb movie pix. I think they're pretty good depictions of the characters but you might think otherwise... anyway url is
Awesome!!!! SO I guess I'll talk to you freakos later!
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